The nan I wish I grew up with

Created by Landan 3 years ago

From the get go, I hit it off with Myra. 

She was such a down to earth, independant and wise woman. 

Back during the times where she smoked, it became a family joke that we would both spend ages outside together just talking. 

We had a laugh, we had constructive conversation, we shared stories and sometimes with some luck; Myra would tell me a funny story about my wife, Annabel.

Gone are those days now. With great sadness we will never have the opportunity to chin wag again. 

I miss Myra, and I know her family and loved ones feel the same.

In retrospect, I'm very thankful for meeting Myra and having the opportunity to really get to know her in the years leading up to her passing.

Forever will my memories of her be fond, cherished and maintained.

May you rest in peace, Myra, where-ever you are, we're all thinking of you.